Thursday 4 September 2014

Top 10 Wine Brands in India 2014

This is a list of Top Wine Brands in India

1. Grover Vineyards / La' Reserve: This is not the most expensive wine you can find in India but it has a unique taste and is affordable, the taste of this wine is very intense and has some hints of chocolate and vanilla, it is manufactures in Nashik at Grover Vineyards. Price for 750 ml is Rs.800.

2.Chene Grand Reserve/Grover Vineyards: A deep ruby colour is the highlight of Chene Grand Reserve produced by Grover Vineyards. This wine has been awarded Decanter and Hong Kong International wine awards in the year 2012 and 2013 respectively. The wine enjoys the reputation of being the most expensive wine in India currently. This wine has an aroma of plums and berries, spices and flavour from the oak barrel and compliments stews, roasts, pastas and grilled vegetables and rice, making it very versatile.
Grover Vineyards

Vintage: 2010
Price by Volume: INR 1,700 for 750 ml

SETTE/Fratelli Wines: This wine has been awarded recently at the Decanter Asia Wine awards (2013). SETTE is produced by Fratelli Wines, Akluj. The wine has citrus notes of ripe fruits with hints of vanilla and pairs very well with spicy Indian cuisine.
Vintage: 2009
Price by Volume: INR 1,650 for 750 ml

Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve/Reveilo: This deep red-purple wine is a product of Vintage wines. Though this wine has not got any notable awards, it is quite popular with wine enthusiasts due to its full body and fruity taste. The wine also has notes of pepper, nutmeg and cinnamon. This wine pairs very well with lamb dishes.

Vintage: 2005
Price by Volume: INR 1,345 for 750 ml

Rasa Shiraz: Rasa Shiraz is an award winning wine (2010) from the house of Sula Vineyards, Nashik. The wine has a peppery and fruity aroma and is regarded as one of the finest wines for export. It is a collector’s edition wine with only 1,700 cases produced by the brand. The wine has a complex taste and pairs well with barbecues and bold foods. Also pairs well with soft cheeses.
Vintage: 2007
Price by Volume: INR 1,175 for 750 ml

Barrique Reserve Shiraz/ Four Seasons- This masterpiece from Four Seasons is a full bodied dry (not sweet) wine, produced in their plant at Baramati (Maharashtra). The said wine has aromas of ripe blackberry and few spices, and compliments red meats, barbeques and mushrooms. The wines also pairs well with matured cheeses.
Four Seasons

Vintage: 2009
Price by Volume: INR 900 for 750 ml
Dindori Reserve Shiraz /Sula- Winner of Sommelier India Wine Competition (2009), Dindori Reserve Shiraz is produced by Sula Vineyards. This wine is full-bodied and exhibits a lush berry aroma. Its suggested pairing is with hard cheese, and lamb meat.
Dindori Reserve Shiraz

Vintage: 2007
Price by Volume: 850 for 750 ml

La’ Reserve/Grover Vineyard- La’ Reserve has won awards in the Best New wine category (2005) and is produced by Grover Vineyard, Nashik. This wine is a full-bodied wine with intense flavours and spicy aroma with notes of chocolate, vanilla and coffee beans.  This wine works very well with soft full flavour cheeses, biryani and kebabs.
La’ Reserve

Vintage: 2010
Price by Volume: INR 800 for 750 ml

Chateau D’Ori

Vintage: Unclear
Price by Volume: INR 650 for 750 ml

Cabernet Sauvignon 2007/Nine Hills: This Indian wine won accolades at the Indian wine Challenge, 2007. The wine comes from the house of Seagram’s. It has a pleasing aroma of cherries with hints of vanilla. It compliments deep fried starters and spicy food very well.
Nine Hills

Vintage: 2007
Price by Volume: INR 565 for 750 ml

It is said that wine is enjoyed best in the company of friends, so if you are planning a feast with friends, choose one from the selection above, and raise a toast to the wonders of wine

Styles of beer manufacturing?

Beer Styles

You can choose from over 100 different styles of beer in every flavor you can imagine.

This dazzling array includes pilsners, pale ales, porters, stouts, barley wines and bocks to name but few.


The world's most popular beer style Czech Pilsener, through every shade of yellow to the deep golden colour of the strong German 'doppelbocks'. Lagers are fermented cold so in comparison with ales, more of the delicate flavoue malt and hops come through into the glass. Lagers are normally light in colour and they vary wided strength. From standard products (4% ABV) through premium beers (5% ABV) S lagers tend to be low in bitterness and delicately flavoured. Lagers popular iur, followed by robust continentals like Belgium's Stella Artois, Denmark's Carlsberg, Grolsch and Heineken from Holland, Becks and Holsten from Germany or Pilsner Urquell from the Czech Republic.


Ales are generer flavoured than lagers due to a higher fermentation temand vary from straw-Boddingtons and Oakham Jet black of Guinness. Historically, until the arr kilned malts in the early 1800s, all ales would have been brownish and rather smoky from the wood fired kilns.

Speciality Beers

There is a huge collection of beers with fascinating flavours. There is an exciting array ranging from the wheat beers of cent phenomenon on British shelves, their naturally cloudy nature being formerly viewed with suspicion by those used tng tradition, made by steeping beer berries (framboise). These beers can act either as aperitifs, if eeter. In the last twenty years, British brewers have started to create exotic speciality beers flavoured with summer fruits, heather flowers, ginger, sweet gale, elderflower, coiety: Variety rs and alcohols Book of Records strongest beer - Sam Adams Utopias at an astonishing 27% ABV. There is a beer for every food and every our taste buds are aroused, you will soon find that to have your own ten to twenty bottle 'beer cellar' is a must and with an array of exotic glasses to match.

How beer is Made ? Beer manufacturing in India

Beer is Nature's Gift

Beer is an alcoholic drink brewed mainly from malted barley, hops, yeast and water although other sources of fermentable carbohydrate (eg. maize, wheat, rice) and other natural ingredients may be added to create different styles and flavours.


The main constituent in beer; as grapes are to wine, barley is to beer. Barley grains are low in fat and protein but rich in starch. Starch is the grain's food reserve that is made up of chains of sugar molecules. In nature this would feed the growing barley plant but in brewing we hijack thestarch to make beer! Malting starts the process of releasing the sugar and making it available for brewing. Brewers use specially selected varieties of barley that are particularly suited to being malted and making high quality beer. The maritime climate in the United Kingdom is particularly good for growing malting barley making British malt amongst the best in the world.


A climbing plant that can grow to a height of over 20 feet, the hop's closest botanical relative is Cannabis! Hop cones contain a wealth of resins and essential oils which give the beer its distinctive bitterness and hop flavour. Contrary to public perception, beer is not "made from hops". Typically a barrel of beer is made from 20kg of malt and 150g of hops. Hops are used rather like a spice. Hops are picked in the late summer and dried in Oast Houses. Traditionally they are packed into tall sacks called pockets. Nowadays they tend to be compacted into pellets and vacuum packed in foil, like coffee, to preserve their freshness.


A high quality is essential to the brewing process with four to six pints needed to produce every pint of beer. The particular salts naturally dissolved in local water supplies explains why some quite small towns such as Burton on Trent, Alton and Tadcaster could become home to several large breweries. The dissolved gypsum gave Burton beer keeping qualities which allowed them to be sold as far away as India.


A microscopic member of the fungus family. The Latin name for brewing yeast is Saccharomyces cerevisiae - literally "beer sugar yeast"! Yeast grows on sugar producing alcohol and carbon dioxide in a process called fermentation. Yeast also produces a vast array of flavour compounds and much of the subtlety of beer flavour comes from the yeast strain and the fermentation conditions. Brewers use their own specially selected and jealously guarded yeast strains to produce the distinctive flavours of their own particular beers.

What is Beer ?

Beer is a beverage, it is an alcoholic beverage consisting 1%-5% of alcohol, it is the most consumed  alcoholic drink world wide, people are mad about it. Here's what Wikipedia has to say.
Beer is an alcoholic beverage produced by the saccharification of starch and fermentation of the resulting sugar. The starch and saccharification enzymes are often derived from malted cereal grains, most commonly malted barley and malted wheat.[1] Most beer is also flavoured with hops, which add bitterness and act as a natural preservative, though other flavourings such as herbs or fruit may occasionally be included. The preparation of beer is called brewing.
Beer is the world's most widely consumed alcoholic beverage,[2] and is the third-most popular drink overall, after water and tea.[3] It is thought by some to be the oldest fermented beverage.[4][5][6][7]
Some of humanity's earliest known writings refer to the production and distribution of beer: the Code of Hammurabi included laws regulating beer and beer parlours,[8] and "The Hymn to Ninkasi", a prayer to the Mesopotamian goddess of beer, served as both a prayer and as a method of remembering the recipe for beer in a culture with few literate people.[9][10] Today, the brewing industry is a global business, consisting of several dominant multinational companies and many thousands of smaller producers ranging from brewpubs to regional breweries.
The strength of beer is usually around 4% to 6% alcohol by volume (abv) although it may vary between 0.5% (de-alcoholized) and 20%, with some breweries creating examples of 40% abv and above in recent years.
Beer forms part of the culture of beer-drinking nations and is associated with social traditions such as beer festivals, as well as a rich pub culture involving activities like pub crawling and pub games such as bar billiards.

The Right Way to Drink Beer in India

The Right Way to Drink Beer

A long time ago it was noted that different beer brands taste differently depending on the time of year and time of day. Here one should follow a rule of thumb: pale beer should be drunk early in the day; heavier and darker beer should be left till evening. As for time of year, it is well known that black beers are best suited for winter, and pale beers for summer.
There are also some points to be made in respect to music accompanying beer drinking. It turns out that dark and strong beers go down best to high-pitched music, whereas pale beers are best matched with low-pitched music.
Beer, particularly beer in a keg, should be drunk from glasses or mugs made of natural materials such as wood, porcelain, glass, or ceramics. In contrast to plastic and metal receptacles, they do not ruin the beer's taste with foreign flavors. Beer shouldn't be drunk from a bottle either, as with this mode of consumption the beer fails to impact all the taste sensors of the tongue and some flavors get lost.
Pour beer at the center of the glass from a height of 2 to3 centimeters. Wait till the foam settles, then top off the glass to 3/4 of its height.
Drink beer in small sips without breaks. To appreciate the flavor in full, you should first drink half the glass, and than sip the remainder, taking your time.
Beer should best be consumed at a temperature of +10 to +15 °C. According to custom, black beer should be cooled less and strong beer more. Make sure, however, that you do not overcool beer under any circumstances, as it will lose a great deal of its taste and may become clouded.
Beer can be served with all dishes; it goes particularly well with fatty meat, fowl, smoked food, and high-fat cheeses, not to mention salted fish. But remember: to appreciate the taste of beer you shouldn't "overpower" it with food. And ultimately, here are some easy to follow guidelines.
Beer mustn?t be shaken or stirred. The oxygen in the air will quickly oxidize the beer and make it cloudy.
Beer mustn't be rapidly cooled (for instance, by putting bottles into a freezer) or heated.
Never expose beer to sunlight: it ruins beer.
Don't put beer bottles on their sides: beer bottles must be stored upright to prevent the beer from touching the caps.